mardi 12 avril 2016
Business For All: business management and / or organization
Business For All: business management and / or organization: business management and / or organization Recruitment This factsheet aims to provide you with information on recruitment, assess...
mardi 29 mars 2016
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Direct marketing
What is direct marketing?
Direct marketing definition
Today direct marketing is one of the preferred means of communication companies.
It involves sending a personalized message or not a defined target at a defined group of individuals - companies or individuals.
This group may be existing customers in a loyalty or target new customers called prospects in a winning goal.
All these direct marketing have only one purpose: to attract customers, get them to turn quickly to a place of sale or a website and analyze the feedback.
The analysis is done simply: it is to measure the number of messages sent, to analyze the number of returns and make a ratio, sent / real returns to calculate two criteria:
The cost of the conquest of a new client also known cost.
The cost of retaining an old customer (how my operation is going to transform an existing customer who would not have come otherwise).
Direct marketing is based on three key principles:
- Direct marketing definition: the creation of the marketing message
The promise should oversell anything, no need to lie or try to embellish you with excess, your customers will soon account for. Rather, it is to think about your best features and highlight them. Are you good price, service, quality, quantity?
Direct marketing is an immediate consumption of media, it is to motivate the user to consume immediately. This is the promise that makes sense. It can take different forms:
- An offer to enter immediately (discounts, promotions, gifts).
- A new product or a new service.
- A special event (see list of events): a special event (launch of a new product), a trade event (valentine), an event linked to the customer (birthday party), a recurring event (or monthly newsletter weekly).
Beyond the promise, you have to respect some rules in direct marketing (see 10 tips ....):
- Bottom: clear, fast, simple.
- Form: make nice (always nicer)
- The selection of the target
To select your target, you have several options:
Address Internal Files: every passage, every visit, every action, try to collect as much information about your customers: title, name, age, mailing address, email address ... so you can be you file increasingly qualified that will relaunch your customers for loyalty programs.
Organize these address files in a database or an Excel file as well as possible, that address file is the heart of your loyalty strategy. You will update regularly with all the information you can collect: Fixed telephone, mobile phone, but also with all the information on your customer: its purchase frequency, purchase amount and it will have spent at you, so then organize your addresses by interest clients.
MarketingConnect offers to import your addresses in a powerful and simple tool to organize the best possible way for both standards to generate direct mailing but also to segment mailing list.
external address files: You do not have mailing lists or you want to win new customers. To increase your potential, nothing beats purchasing additional files. To choose your files, you can select prospects or close to customers:
If you want to turn into a place of sale, it's all about finding customers geographically close, in your range. Customers always choose the nearest to them! Local files will therefore be the best solution to your problem.
MarketingConnect offers select clients based on your range. You can customize the radius to choose the closest customers to maximize your transformation. MarketingConnect offers mailing lists regularly updated from a 24 million individuals and 6 million professionals.
- The broadcast channel of a direct marketing campaign
Direct marketing definition "postal mailing": also known as direct mailing, paper mailing, direct mail for mass mailings, ...
- Advantages: many files (all to a mailbox), grip in 100% of cases and playback high-quality graphics.
- Disadvantages: the cost can sometimes be a hindrance in the case of very large unskilled databases.
jeudi 24 mars 2016
Marketing mix
Mix '4P'
The term
'marketing mix' is one of the most used marketing. The marketing mix is also known as the '4 P' that is to say: Product, Price, Place
(distribution) and promotion (communication).
Mix: all the tools available to the company to achieve its goals with the
target market. (Kotler & Dubois)
The concept
is simple. Consider another famous mix (composition), the composition of a
cake. All cakes are made with eggs, milk, flour and sugar. However, you can
change the outcome of your cake by altering the amounts of the components
therein. This will add more sugar for a sweeter cake. It is the same for the
marketing mix. The offer to your customer can be altered by changing the content
of 4 P. For a brand of 'quality', you will focus on communication (promotion)
and désensibiliserez the weight he could grant the price.
marketing action variables are divided into the P 4 as follows:
PRODUCT | PRICE | PLACE (distribution) | |
-Quality | -Rate | -Distribution Channels | |
-Features and Options | -Discount | -Outlets | |
-Mark | -Payment Terms | -Catchment areas | |
-sizes | -Credit terms | -Stocks | |
-Conditioning | -Assortment | ||
-customer service | -Means of transport | ||
-Guarantee |
PROMOTION (communication)
-Sales promotion
-Selling power
-Direct marketing
-Public relations
The 4 P present here correspond to the optical manufacturer facing its market. For the customer, the marketing actions must translate into advantage. The 4 P then become 4 C.
Is a
winning company meets the needs and desires of its customers in an economical,
practical and through effective communication.
mercredi 23 mars 2016
11 Reviews make you rich $$££ !!
Imagine if you were rich, what would you do?
Many people are talking about money, even though they do not earn anything from it. I started from scratch to get to $ 190 a month as a minimum and the toll is on the rise as I read dozens of gigabytes of e-books for people successful in the field which makes me, I think, be able to offer you some advice in the field of e-commerce and profit from the Internet in general.
Profit from the Internet.
There is no more beautiful than watch your profits and is growing while you are sitting doing nothing. When will reach the required level, you will sleep and go to hang out with your friends and return to your home to see that your profits have doubled. During my trip with e-commerce experience come to some useful mechanisms, which make you able to profit from the Internet more effectively.
The first thing is to rely on ads (Adsense, etc.) alone will not make you rich. Most sites reap only a third of its profits from advertising, if not less. So you should try to sell something or are promoting a product that you do not have something to sell.
How to become rich through the net.
Mistake people think that they have to be lucky or that they come with something impressive to earn money from the net, while the fact that the ability to profit are just ideas anyone can possess. His Facebook, for example, did not come with something new, but the extension of the idea of social networking and developed.
Let's review some of these circumstances the ideas that helped me to profit.
1: There's no way to make you rich quickly.
People who become rich to have the insight and business plans over the long term, compare these with someone reading a book called "Complete Guide to reap $ 500 in a few days." If you want to win you have to consolidate your mind to gain proper steps be slow but steady and confident.
2: a plan of action and not a system.
Do not be fooled by the offers, which says that the next program doubles your winnings, if this program actually achieves profit Why Sepeonh you. NB Do not mix here between the system and the programs we offer you, and it is a secondary means to help and is not intended to direct profit from them.
3: You want to make money from the Web? Learn this.
Good content can never market itself. In my beginnings I thought it was enough to make the site and filled with "Alhbarat" to come Visitors ran. With the passage of time, nothing has happened yet, and then I learned that marketing and advertising are the talent base to profit from the Internet.
4: Online success is rarely the case six months ago or even a year at least.
Do not expect that you will earn large sums of 6 months or even a year ago. Profit from the Internet requires a lot of time, hard work and a lot of patience. If your goal is a quick profit then you gambling or smuggle two kilograms of cocaine !!
5: Do not listen to your friends.
This is the golden rule in the profit from the Internet, if you want to earn money from the net, then do not listen to what your friends say, certainly will try to frustration and make you adjust for your efforts. Usually I hate people change or see someone like them make the change and be different from them so it will try to stop you!. Here's how I remember my friends laugh when I tell them that I click on ads in exchange for a few cents. Then they started Akhrson when you purchase several Domains ...... but are whispering that I admire the person who received the checks and clothing from the Internet.
6: success lies only in the attempt.
The secret to success is to try a larger number of times to accommodate your mistakes and then working to avoid. Make money from the Internet is no different, keep in mind that you would be committing mistakes inevitably and if you do not work for you some way or a particular site do not give up keep trying.
How to think rich people?
Donald Trump accumulated debt that reached $ 900 million, lost a lot of commercial projects and then stood on his feet again to become one of the most famous billionaires across the world.
The rich are not the lucky ones or people who were born rich, but they are people who are thinking in ways that make them able to earn money.
So how do you think the rich?
7: think Kalmqaulin.
Rarely you find people rich working for someone else or built his fortune through his career (employees, for example), and even if I found a great'll find on age, not young millionaire.
8: look at the bigger picture.
The rich are not the quality that aims to increase its revenues to $ 100 a month, but they are of quality that adopt unlimited projects profit. Our selection of Internet enters in this context. In the Internet there are no limits to profit more visitors, more customers, more money so simple.
9: They have no misconceptions about money.
The rich do not consider the money a devil, or that the rich are thieves, or be lucky to do with money. If you want to become rich, you have to get rid of these dark thoughts and think of one of them, you can be rich and good at the same time.
10: The rich are not earning money, but the rich are the people who know how to maintain it.
Many people may call you often get the footballers live a life of luxury and then die and are poor because they were not able to maintain the same lifestyle.
Earn money is very important, but maintaining the part on the same level of importance.
11: invest money.
The rich invest money in another way money makes money and does not come out of nowhere.
Poor people are buying expensive cars, comfortable houses and then live the rest of their lives in debt. In short, do not exceed the ceiling of your budget, invest and become rich. I do not receive the money unless you need to win is so when the site was re-invested in the tools help me to bring money largest Thus was launched from 0 penny to $ 300 and the toll continues to rise.
Remember the bottom line most of the rich have suffered so much before they reach to what they it. The rich are not human beings, but the lucky ones are the people who have been trying and trying to be lucky.
Many wish to win money, but very little of them are those who want to profit from the Internet.
Will here are those scorching desire that pushes you to pursue your goals.
If you really want to profit, prepare to sleep less and work more, to face your fears, risks, the sacrifices, and resist anything that stands in your way. Then and only then you will be able to profit. Dear Reader things do not come wishful but with hard work.
Knowledge and profit
Upgrade yourself, your ego invested Sometimes the information possessed by and think it unusual earns money by others.
Asthoudrna here say Joker in the Batman movie Black Knight. "If you're not good at something not done free of charge." Try to stop with this sentence a bit.
Remember Nothing comes with ignorance, even beggar and thief possesses the knowledge to engage in "work."
Learn programming languages, take lessons, Attend training sessions and courses, read as much as possible, to make like you have a name on the net. We all know the guest immigrant Ptribath beautifully crafted and Ansar al-Sunna Bakrakath killer and gang Scorpion and many others, be like them not but be the best of them.
Tips from the man to his fellow man: the ways in which we deliver your intervention will not jail! Yes, I know many people who do not walk in this world is caused by the fear of confinement, we knocked on the legitimacy and impeccable and you will see how much effort that will exert. There are two things I would like to remind you to them, do not miss your prayers and do not forget to profit from the Internet is an additional income and is not a substitute for real action has achieved an important success. Nothing in the world of the Internet comparable to dive into the world of the net profit and the experience may cause you so addictive computer. Learn your priorities.
start now !!!!
If you go after reading the introduction to the profit from the Internet and is also the subject and went to sleep or watch TV, you're not serious about the profit from the Internet.
Look for ideas, paint your business plan, carrying a picture of your dream car, and imagine how it will come to realize that desire.
Never forget, unexpected problems may Thabtk, obstacles Stbto Circus but in the end nothing in the world is able to defeat persistent individual and strongly determined to become an important person.
Henry Ford lost money six times and every time he returns to his predecessor stronger What does this remind you name? . Yes, it seems that Henry did not leave you any excuse, echoed this statement 'will not relax myself so that I will become rich or try forever'.
Do not forget that you came here to earn money, you will learn step by step easy Advanced about, you will not find the same word that is repeated in all the blogs and forums here and there I've seen a lot of blogs and all offering true things but just talk my view we will offer you practical useful . This is not a code of how Michael profit and how to do it, it will not make you watching on checks and leave you dreaming, this is not an exhibition of my achievements. It is a workshop, in this blog you will learn how to catch fish! . In conclusion, the highest and largest endeavor Jzana remains to write someday an article here about the success story you.
To remember what we said. To profit from the Internet is your mind, whether you're rich or poor will enter the fire were not devout. You have to give up the wishful thinking and will initiate, develop goals and begin to find ways to achieve it. Think of more roads and tried more than once. Trials and patience Asanaan success and success builds self-confidence. Money tool and is not very valuable or if invested flourish if consumed perish. Try this rule and become rich:
100% money = consumed 50% + garnered 10% + 35% invested and ratified by 5%.
Give an assessment of +1 if allowed and helped us do you think is what you do you think makes a man become rich?
Web Marketing
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What is
network marketing?
marketing (direct sales) is an alternative method of marketing to traditional
marketing, where they are relying on the same consumer promotion for certain
products company, in exchange for kickbacks by a clear system. The promotion
and sales in the network marketing anywhere, does not require the presence of a
fixed site for the sale of any company that relies on network marketing to
promote their products. Considered promoters of the company's products have
independent representatives, they are not employees of the company itself.
and benefits of network marketing:
networking features and has many benefits, including:
- It's a great way to get to know people and gain relationships and friendships
- Provide freedom to choose working hours
- Network marketing is a good way to earn a second income source
- Network marketing way to get your own business without incapacitating requirements
- Your income in network marketing depends on your own efforts only
- Network marketing opportunity available to all
- Network marketing business in the spread of a permanent expansion
A lot of
people have lost large sums of money when they decided to invest without the
knowledge that they were involved in tracking the hierarchical system
companies, believing that they had been involved in illegal trades. The
following simple information about these companies that follow the hierarchical
system banned internationally.
pyramidal monument companies as companies are network marketing companies, but
they are not as they seem, they are legally prohibited. In a pyramid marketing,
which many people mistakenly believed that it is similar to network marketing,
the large numbers of people to pay large sums of money for a few people at the
top of the net. In a hierarchical system, people who are at the top of the
network are the only gainers, always, and in all times, sooner or later, will
Nahdi the pyramid of the weakness of the system will shut down this company.
Corporate hierarchies are illegal, so you often find work without a clear
appearance, and find a lot of mystery to handle.
A lot of
marketing hierarchical firms represented as companies marketing network, and
claim that they follow the legal system, but just the opposite, you have to
have the ability to distinguish hierarchical companies from companies that
follow the legal system, companies that operate in the field of network
marketing legal 100%.
The most
important Mmizan pyramid marketing is the lack of product of value, so it gets
marketer hierarchy on Amolath of the price of those who signed up after the
subscription, and not from the product sale price, because basically there is
no product.
There are
ways to distinguish between Nasabh hierarchical companies and law firms in the
field of network marketing, and these ways is to look at the subscription price
in these companies. If subscription price great, and you get a commission
through the price of this subscription, the company here are actually
hierarchy. (Note: subscription price is the price you pay to become a member of
one of the network marketing companies (or hierarchical), not the price of the
The history
of network marketing:
The age of
network marketing is nearly 60 years, in the mid-forties, there was a company
called California Vitamins, which I realized that most of her customers are
from the relatives and friends of employees. This company also discovered that
it is better to have as a larger number of promoters who promote small numbers
of people, rather than the few who are trying to promote the greatest possible
number of people. Therefore, the company decided to encourage promoters to
advertise their products even more, and gave them the right to invite new
promoters of the company of relatives and friends, on the other hand, the
company has rewarded these promoters kickbacks by sales made by their team as a
whole. Hence, we have seen the birth of a new business called network
Then, in
1959, specifically, two independent marketers for the company California
Vitamins, which had changed its name to NutraLife, create their own company
depends entirely on network marketing in the marketing of their products, and
was named to AmWay. The founders of this company name Rich DeVoss and Jay Van
This was
the actual beginning of Commerce network marketing, but the idea of this kind of trade had begun at a time past, when there were groups of
people working a similar system, but outside the law, where a handful of people
to distribute messages prepare
you for the tremendous gain in the case payment of a small amount Cdolar one,
and then make someone else from your acquaintances do this job well. This
quality has spread from scams in the thirties, and specifically after the end
of the First World War, dramatically, as the number of emitted messages a day
to nearly 10 million messages per day. Authorities refused Nasabh these
projects, and has combated dramatically. In the forties stop this kind of fraud
projects. But, alas, such Nasabh projects in this day returned through the
hierarchical companies, which follow almost the same method, where the person
gets the profit from the subscription price who after him, rather than sell it
to certain products of the company.
In 1974, a
law passed in the US courts to prevent pyramid companies legally, and this
decision was issued by Sen. Walter Mondale. But the authorities do not
understand the time difference between the hierarchical companies and network
marketing, it sent invitations lawsuit against AmWay company, and other
companies that track network marketing legal system.
company has spent millions of dollars and four years in the courts to defend
the legality of the web as a follow legal system. In 1979, Ham was released
from the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) AmWay the legality of the company,
because they Astbinwa difference between hierarchical and networking companies,
and because profits AmWay company relies on sales of products, not on the price
of the involvement of people in.
It erupted
network marketing business after that, and has spread dramatically in the next
What is the
size of the network marketing industry?
Today there
are thousands of companies that operate network marketing system, which is
prevalent in many countries, like the United States of America, Canada, Mexico,
and without South America, Britain, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Japan and
many others. In Malaysia alone, there are more than 800 of the network
marketing company. In addition, the day there are more than 66 million people
around the world working in the field of network marketing. On this day, the
network marketing industry annual sales exceed $ 100 billion annually.
addition, in the year 1993, the company is more AmWay a foreign company that
has spread in Japan, and the sales exceed one billion dollars. There are
international companies such as Colgate and Gillette, which uses the idea of network marketing as a way to promote some of its products, but do not
rely entirely on network marketing. Today, as Mary Kay companies operating network
marketing system to have more of those sales sales company Johnson &
Johnson's, for example, the company AmWay exceed sales Revlon sales company.
We've done
network marketing companies making a big leap in other industries and fields
such as nutrition and health (nutrition) and various other global industries,
and there is a company managed by itself from the sale of more than one billion
dollars of re-water treatment products.
Types of
network marketing systems:
If there is
more than one system may be followed by legal network marketing companies, and
the most important of these systems are:
- Unilevel System
- Stairstep Breakaway System
- Matrix System
- Binary System
- Hybrid System
mardi 22 mars 2016
Operartional Marketing
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Definition of Operational Marketing
Operational Marketing refers to the means used to fulfill the objectives set in
advance by the Strategic Marketing. This is short-term actions that need to
monitor the market to adapt. Operational marketing can be segmented into four
key points also called marketing mix. These four additional points help achieve
a comprehensive marketing. Operational marketing therefore includes 4 key
points, called the 4 Ps to:
- The product: this is the strategy to develop the product, taking into account its characteristics, its design to achieve the strategy.
- Price: Price result of a strategy, and its binding is reflected but it is possible to change the price. Achieve lower prices on a short term, achieve a promotion, discount vouchers.
- Place (distribution): where the product will be sold? instead of the product in a distribution channel as a result of a specific strategy. It should also define its location on the shelves.
- Promotion (communication): To sell a product it is necessary to make a communication to the selected target.
one also speaks of operational marketing 5C enabling better segmentation for
operational marketing:
- Company: what is business and what are its values?
- Customers: customers are looking for?
- The Competitors: competitors are doing in terms of operational marketing?
- Collaborators: organize operational marketing in collaboration with a distributor.
- The Background: Does Is there a specific context to the achievement of this operational marketing action? (Easter, Christmas ...)
marketing therefore means concrete actions implemented in the field:
communication, promotion, advertising, direct marketing, ...
Field Notes Operational Marketing
actions cover different levers to reach different segments. It is for example,
under the Operational Marketing, carry out e-Marketing campaigns (display
advertising, email marketing, buzz, social media) or advertising in the trade
press such paper.
lundi 21 mars 2016
Strategic Marketing
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Overview of
Strategic Marketing
definition of marketing is often presented as a vague concept in marketing
marketing process
can be defined as the grouping of all the tools and all the methods used to
create, recreate or create needs in consumers.
includes two additional phases which are, firstly, strategic marketing, which
remains something theoretical and operational marketing which complements the
putting in place all the tools to carry out this strategy, which is to
concrete. These two phases are interdependent.
marketing is thinking about what to do after analyzing the entire market, that
is to say make a SWOT or use the PESTLE method to clear a diagnosis on the
overall market and the company in question .
analysis takes place in three phases:
· Knowledge
· Reflection
· The decision
· Reflection
· The decision
During the
lecture phase of strategic marketing, it also carries a roadmap, marketing plan
and a detailed budget is established to know the resources allocated to a
particular type of operational marketing (street marketing, POS ...)
During the
different stages of the operational marketing, there are two phases:
· The
Action Phase
control stage
To develop
strategic marketing it is necessary to analyze trends, consumer behavior, the
entire market or competitors.
One method
to perform the analysis of the company's activities is the use of the BCG
matrix. Launching a product requires the verification of the equation of the
matrix between:
· The
cows: unattractive but competitive.
dead weight: unattractive and uncompetitive.· The stars: attractive and competitive.
· The dilemmas: attractive but somewhat competitive.
The action
part (operational marketing) uses marketing mix or 4 P method:
· The
Advertising (communication)
the control portion controls whether the objectives have been met or exceeded,
and thus evaluate the performance of the company.
II - The Role of need
In terms of
need, to consider the cause of the action and its intensity. The need is a gap
between a real situation and a desired situation. It can be characterized by
the expectation of a product, application or by motivation.
Maslow's pyramid
class needs these in order of importance, from the bottom of the pyramid and
going up: the physiological needs (eating, sleeping), safety needs, belonging
needs (integration in a group) , esteem needs (recognition by a particular
group) and the needs of self-expression (self-fulfillment).
Marketing concept
We will learn about the concept of marketing and everything related to it, such as:
- The concept and definition of marketing
- Importance of marketing
- The concept of commercialization
- Meanings of successful marketing
- Marketing goals
1° Introduction to the concept of marketing:
Marketing is an activity that is trying to discover the desires of customers
and try to achieve, and develop products on an ongoing basis to keep pace with
the wishes of customers, marketing is a number of measures and steps to
contribute to the flow of products, goods and services provided to the
consumer, through the achievement of the best production of the commodity.
There are
multiple definitions of marketing and all indicate the meaning of the former
context, the main aim of marketing is to achieve the requirement of the
customers of the commodity or product provided the required quality and lead to
achieve a balance in the market and competition between different products, not
on marketing is advertising, according to the product, but that product shall
be submitted according to the desire and the required quality.
2° Marketing objectives:
- Promotion: The main objective of marketing the product in order to report the spread in the market and allowing free form required and lead product promotion to achieve profitability goals for the company.
- Sales promotion: the successful marketing aims to increase sales activity which contributes to compete with other products that would achieve the goals of Almasshmn success and increased profit and industry name.
But the question now is how do I successful marketing of the company or my product?
The work of
a successful marketing and achieve the goals of the company appropriately to
the needs:
- Determine the objectives of the organization or company to be achieved and to know who the customers and their needs.
- Knowledge of methods to meet the desires and needs of customers and the market appropriately.
- Organize appropriate working methods of marketing for each category of customers according to the wishes of customers, there are some customers want to purchase by telephone and other means of communication.
3° How do you target market and make a name for you in the marketing field?
You can
make a name in the market through to have your product always processions to
the wishes of the public and their aspirations for a product with better
quality and shape of a renewed constantly, as well as features at a reasonable
price for them, and no longer advertising through mass communications visual
with the public Mguetah For many the goal is not in frequent repetitive
propaganda but the goal of your marketing campaigns is to have your company's
product is unique and convincing the customers in terms of product quality and
price, marketing is successful is creating something new or a new product given
importance to customers and consumers.
4° E-Marketing
Is the work
of marketing propaganda of the product through the Internet, and is the kind of
very effective marketing in Western countries, an offer and sale of goods and
products through the Internet via specialized sites for this type of marketing
and lets you e-marketing View product and compare it with other products and
evaluate its price, and there are sites specializing in e-marketing, display
and sale of products and methods specific to this are
a payment.
5° Email Marketing Features
It allows
you to compare the product submitted and evaluated other products and price
The speed
of receiving customer requests and offer suggestions on the site which helps
you learn the desires of customers constantly and suggestions of their own.
Inscription à :